Belle Beautista Russian Premium Nano Tip Hair Extensions with Nano Beads (50 X 1g)

Welcome to our beautiful Belle Beautista Russian Remy hair range!
Beautiful AAAAA Grade Russian Remy Hair ethically sourced from the Russian Federation. The ultimate in quality and worn by many celebrities!
Established for 30 years in the hair trade and supplier to professionals worldwide.

Regular double drawn, super silky and with good care has up to 12 months life span.
Choose from 16, 18, 20, 22 or 24 Inches.
Each pack contains 50 x 1g double drawn strands tipped with high quality Italian Keratin and wires for installation using the Nano Ring technique. Also includes free Nano Beads and some spare ones!
2 packs will install a standard full head or 3 will be required for thicker hair types.

1. How does the hair feel?
Russian, European and Mongolian hair feels extremely soft and fine to the touch, whereas Asian hair is a lot coarser.
2. Is the hair extraordinarily shiny?
If the hair is a lot shinier than normal scalp hair, there is every chance that the cuticle of the hair has been damaged during processing and has been replaced by a silicone layer which gives it a simulated beautiful sheen. This will last just a couple of washes before wearing away to reveal dull, matt and potentially troublesome extension hair that will easily matt and tangle.
3. Did you buy the hair as 'virgin' hair?
Virgin hair when it comes to extensions is almost always either Dark Brown or Off Black. This hair is completely unprocessed and still in it's natural condition. Therefore if you see 'virgin' hair that is Blonde (especially Bleach Blonde), Jet Black, Auburn or any other vibrant or light colour then it is sure to have been processed. Once processed in any way the hair is no longer virgin hair.
4. Is the hair genuinely Double Drawn or Super Double Drawn?
Double Drawn hair is a lot more expensive than Single Drawn. Single Drawn hair is sold and processed in bundles and the length of each individual hair within the bundle will vary enormously, giving the 'whispy' appearance at the ends. The main reason the Double Drawn hair is so expensive is that it is very labour intensive, as 70 to 80% of hairs that are shorter than the desired length within each bundle are removed by hand so the resulting hair is all one length and as thick from root to tip. Then of course by doing this, the quantity of the desired length hair required is much more as a lot of the shorter hair gets discarded.
Hair that isn't genuine Double Drawn is just a Single Drawn bundle with the whispy ends cut off to assume the appearance of being equally as thick at the bottom as the top, whereas if you examine the hair closely you will still see lots of shorter hairs amongst the desired length hair, meaning it is not Double Drawn. Super Double Drawn is extremely expensive as it is made up of at least 90% of hairs that are all one length.
5. Has the hair being purchased been given a 12 month life span?
If a supplier confidently quotes 12 months of wear, then this means that the hair has been sourced a lighter natural colour and the processing therefore has been more gentle. Asian hair that is sourced is usually Off Black in colour and requires extreme Acid Processing which strips the once healthly cuticle leaving permanent damage to the hair shaft. The hair then undergoes a Silicone Oil Treatment which makes the hair appear healthy and shiny, until the Silicone layer starts to wash off and the hair goes more and more dry and brittle, therefore only lasting around 3 months or less. For hair to last 12 months or more it has to be of very high quality and double drawn to maintain it's lustre and strength.
6. Lastly, what is the specified grade of the hair?
If you have been purchasing hair extensions for quite a while you will notice in many product descriptions an 'A' rating of the hair. Ratings between AA to AAA will be of fairly low quality and highly processed. Hair graded between AAAA and AAAAA grade will be of high quality and will last up to 12 months with good care. Hair graded over AAAAA will be of the highest quality, extremely expensive and will have a healthy lifespan of 12 to 18 months.
Then contact us with a clear picture of your hair for our free colour matching service!

Belle Beautista